Mufti Abdul Wahab



About Mufti

Abdul Wahab

Mufti Abdul Wahab is a credible Islamic Scholar and Philanthropist born in Karachi, Pakistan, on the 18th of February 1972. Currently based in London, UK, he has been known as a religious scholar. In addition, Mufti Abdul Wahab has been successfully transforming the lives of the impoverished through his UK registered Charity organisation, Al-Wahab Foundation (formerly known as Ummah Charity International).


Mufti Abdul Wahab completed his early education in Qur’anic studies and became a Hafiz al Quran during his teenage. He also holds the honour of being the first alumni of Madrassah Mahadul Khaeel ul Islamia. After completing his religious studies, he pursued his title as Mufti at Jamia Binoria Karachi. Mufti Abdul Wahab studied under the intellectual guidance of respected scholars like Yousuf Ludhianvi and Mufti Muhammad Naeem. He is identified as a Sunni, Ehel e Sunnat al Jamaat sect of Islam.

But Allah is your protector,

and He is the best of helpers.

Surah Al-Imran, 3 :150

Serving Humanity

Life as a Philanthropist

Mufti Abdul Wahab has always focused on bringing significant change to society. To make his contribution, he inaugurated a charity organisation back in 2012. Al-Wahab Foundation (formerly known as Ummah Charity International) is a UK-registered charity organisation serving to transform lives for over a decade. Al-Wahab Foundation has aimed to stand out as a well-reputed NGO encompassing various welfare projects that work towards providing relief to people affected by financial constraints, food deprivation, disabilities, natural disasters, and those living without a sustainable source of income.


Program "Guftagoo"

The trust of his followers, who consider him a man of the right words and school of thought, made his way to a television appearance. Mufti Abdul Wahab went on-air in 2006 with ARY QTV’s Question and Answer show. The show established his identity as the youngest Islamic Q and A show host in the UK. After that, he joined Iqra TV in 2011 for a show called “Q and A with Mufti Abdul Wahab”. He is currently working at Islam Channel Urdu (Sky 755, Virgin 839) as the host of the show, Guftagoo, which he started in 2015.



Cover for Mufti Abdul Wahab

9 hours ago

Mufti Abdul Wahab
Mufti Abdul Wahab and Al-Wahab Tours' group is currently having a great time in Egypt. Together they're making the most of this journey full of adventures and historical exploration!مفتی عبد الوہاب اس وقت مصر میں الوہاب ٹوئرز کے گروپ کے ساتھ موجود ہیں جہاں اہم تاریخی مقامات اور عجائبات کی وزٹ کا سلسلہ جاری ہے ۔ #MuftiAbdulWahab #fyp #islamictours #AWT #alwahabtours #pyramids #desert #HistoricalPlaces #wondersoftheworld ... See MoreSee Less
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12 hours ago

Mufti Abdul Wahab
Alhamdulillah, what a wonderful time we had today!Visited the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, one of the largest structures ever built, and had exciting experience of riding on the camels across the desert. Making the best of exploring Egypt and it's history!الحمدللہ، آج کا دن بہت ہی شاندار رہا!ہم نے مصر میں عظیم ہرم جیزہ کا دورہ کیا، جو دنیا کی سب سے بڑی تعمیرات میں سے ایک ہے، اور صحراء میں اونٹوں کی سواری کا زبردست تجربہ کیا۔ مصر کی تاریخ اور حیرت انگیز مقامات کو دریافت کرنے کا یہ بہترین موقع ہے!#thegreatpyramidofgiza #Egypt #pyramids #islamictours #AWT #MuftiAbdulWahab #fyp #desert #camels ... See MoreSee Less
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14 hours ago

Mufti Abdul Wahab
Alhamdulillah, we've safely reached #Egypt! Looking forward to a wonderful journey filled with exploration and new experiences!الحمدللہ، ہم مصر پہنچ چکے ہیں اور امید کرتے ہیں کہ یہ سفر خوبصورت اور یادگار ہو۔ #MuftiAbdulWahab #fyp #AWT #alwahabtours #islamictours #travelling ... See MoreSee Less
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18 hours ago

Mufti Abdul Wahab
﴿قُلۡ هَلۡ نُنَبِّئُكُم بِٱلۡأَخۡسَرِینَ أَعۡمَـٰلًا ۝١٠٣ ٱلَّذِینَ ضَلَّ سَعۡیُهُمۡ فِی ٱلۡحَیَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنۡیَا وَهُمۡ یَحۡسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمۡ یُحۡسِنُونَ صُنۡعًا ۝ سورة الكهف *ترجمہ* : آپ کہہ دیجیے کہ کیا ہم آپ کو ایسے لوگوں کے بارے میں بتائیں جو عملوں کے لحاظ سے بد ترین گھاٹے میں ہیں،وہ لوگ جنکی کوشس دنیا کی زنگی میں برباد ہو گئی اور وہ یہ سمجھتے رہے کہ وہ بہت خوب کام کر رہے ہیں۔اس آیت کا مصداق یہود و نصاری ہیں مگر عام مفہوم ہونے کی وجہ سے اس آیت سے مراد ہر وہ شخص ہے جو اعمال کو نیک سمجھ کر خوب جدوجہد ومحنت کرتا ہے مگر اللہ کے نزدیک اسکی محنت برباد اور عمل ضائع ہے۔ *امام قرطبی رح نے فرمایا* یہ صورت دو چیزوں سے پیدا ہوتی ہے 1: غلط عقائد کی وجہ سے۔2: ریاکاری کی وجہ سے۔ *امام ابن جوزی رح نے فرمایا* انکے سردار صحیح چیز کو جاننے کے باوجود، محض اپنی سرداری قائم رکھنے کے لئےغلط کو ترجیح دیتے ہیں اور انکے مقلدین بغیر دلیل کے انکی اتباع کرتے ہیں۔ *نتیجہ* بِٱلۡأَخۡسَرِینَ أَعۡمَـٰلًا#MuftiAbdulWahab #fyp #morningmotivation #Quran #islam #quranwithurdutranslation #Muslims #muslimsoftheworld ... See MoreSee Less
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Al-Wahab Tours

Very few people know that Mufti Abdul Wahab is a passionate traveller who loves to explore new places, specifically those unveiling Islamic history. He has toured over 50 countries, documenting sites of religious, historical, and natural brilliance while educating his viewers in the light of his knowledge through his YouTube Channel. The most popular and significant of his tours are those to Al Aqsa Mosque, as he was the first to show the holy site to a larger Muslim audience and encouraged people to visit it. Other places he visited, along with tour groups arranged under the banner of Al-Wahab Tours, include Jordan, Bosnia, Spain, and Saudi Arabia.

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